A New Sense of Urgency
We just returned from Italy, where we went for the funeral of David’s mother. What a privilege it was, to rehearse the grace of God displayed in a life that served Him for over 60 years. Close to 300 people were present on Sunday afternoon in the church where Bill and Maria Teresa have served faithfully for so many years. We believe that heaven rejoiced, as one of God’s faithful servants came face to face with her Savior, and we, too, rejoiced in remembering the work that was accomplished over the years. Bill and his three sons, all missionaries in Italy, had the opportunity to speak. Different aspects of Maria Theresa’s ministry and life were remembered. Then a special challenge was given by her beloved husband, Bill, to all those present: Maria Teresa has finished her work on earth, but all of us who are left must carry on and serve God as faithfully and diligently as she did.
[pullquote1 quotes=”true”]Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6:2b[/pullquote1]
There is still so much to do, for the work is not done! As we drove around the city of Rome, our hearts were impressed again by the vast numbers of people living there who have never heard the true Gospel. It is probable that very few have even read one page of the Bible. And so it is crucial that the publishing ministry established by Bill and Maria Teresa continue to produce evangelistic materials to reach these millions of lost people. The many edifying books and Bible correspondence courses need to continue to be distributed by Cornelius Ministries to all parts of Italy.
We were able to speak to many believers during our short stay in Rome. Their excitement was encouraging, when we explained our plans to return, God willing, in December to begin our full time ministry there in Rome. In the meantime, we continue to prepare for this exciting transition in our lives. Our pastor, Jerry Wragg, and the leadership of our Grace Immanuel Bible Church share in our sense of urgency for us to begin our ministry in Rome. David has given his 30-day notice to his employer in Jupiter. We are so grateful for the way God has used this job to provide financial support and to shape our hearts for ministry. The Bible study groups that David teaches are eager to see their burden for missions fulfilled in the ministry of Cornelius Ministries in Italy.
We are overwhelmed by the privilege of having wonderful coworkers. Bill, David’s dad will be moving in with us. We will have the privilege of serving together with him in Rome. But he will live with us in Florida for the next three months, while we continue to raise the necessary funds to go back to Italy. Our weekly meetings with Matt and Johanna Johnston continue to fuel our love for the ministry in Italy and our mutual gratitude to be ministering as a team, in a country where the work is very challenging.
We are humbled by our partners in the Gospel. Dear friends, you are a vital part of our ministry in Italy. We know that as you pray, you support our eagerness to go back there. Many of you have already financially joined our support team, and for this we are very grateful. Before we actually can leave, it is necessary that we are sufficiently funded, to ensure our financial integrity while on the field. We are depending upon the Lord to bring, through His people, the remaining $ 2000 support per month. Some of you are possibly waiting for our departure, before beginning to support our ministry. If that is the case for you, please let us know, so that we will be able to make final arrangements for our desired year-end arrival in Italy. (We say all this with ‘Dv’ hearts. This is an abbreviation for ‘Deo volente’, Latin for ‘Lord willing’.)
We have some great opportunities coming up. We are making plans right now, to travel in October, visiting friends and churches. If you would like to host a dessert get-together with your friends, or if you know of a church in your area where we could present our work, please do let us know. At present, we are planning to be driving through Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana. God has also opened an opportunity for David to do simultaneous translation into Italian, of the “Strange Fire Conference” at Grace Community Church in California. His role there will be a great help to the Italian believers, for they will be able to listen to the live-streamed conference right in their own homes. John MacArthur’s teaching will equip and edify these believers, who are often confused by the widespread charismatic movement in Italy.
Would you like to join our CORNELIUS CORPS? We continue to enroll the names of those fellow believers who share with us the same sense of urgency for the Gospel to be proclaimed in Italy. If you would like to make the commitment to regularly pray for and possibly even contribute to our monthly support as we minister in Italy, please let us know at dstandridge@corneliusministries.org. When we have your email address, we can also keep you updated about our ministry prayer requests.
We praise God for every one of you.
Your co-slaves in Christ,
David and Loredana
[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”coffee”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:
55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074
Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]