We just returned from a wonderful three-week trip to visit friends and churches that are connected to our ministry in Italy.
We were overwhelmed by God’s clear providence in every destination. The Lord protected us, as we drove about 4,000 miles through the Midwest. We do not take for granted that we arrived at our destinations without problems, and that the logistics all went well.
We are overwhelmed by the love expressed by so many believers. We also do not take for granted the fact that so many people, some we do not even know well, are praying for us. We certainly realize that we do not deserve this kindness, and it’s all because of our wonderful connection through our Savior Jesus Christ.
[pullquote1 quotes=”true”]Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21[/pullquote1]
We are overwhelmed by the churches and individuals who have decided to support us financially. As we prepare to go, we are so grateful to God for the generosity of individual believers and churches. We are grateful for the anonymous friends who have given ministry gifts on our behalf. Our prayer is that God will encourage and bless spiritually all those who are making a commitment to the progress of the Gospel in Italy.
We are overwhelmed by the privilege of having a loving sending church. What a privilege it is to see how God has used the past two and a half years to bond our hearts with our wonderful home church. We have been so blessed, both by receiving spiritual nourishment, and by serving in different ways. We know that we will miss our close fellowship with so many friends. And yet, we are also looking forward to our commissioning service as missionaries to Italy on December 8th.
We are overwhelmed by the privilege of having a team to work with. We have so enjoyed having David’s father live with us for the past couple of months, and are grateful for the privilege to minister together in Rome with Bill Standridge. We are also grateful for the way the Lord is knitting our hearts with Matt and Johanna Johnston. We see our role of mentoring them, as they learn the culture and the language, to be a privilege.
We are overwhelmed by the need in Italy. We continue to see the great need for the Gospel in Italy. Rome, alone, has 5,000,000 inhabitants who are, for the most part, unreached. We look forward to reaching out, through our publishing ministry, to the 60,000,000 Italians. And meanwhile, we are asking God to help us reach out with the Gospel to those with whom we will have daily contact, as we live in Rome.
We are overwhelmed by the privilege of depending upon a sovereign, loving God. As we go through the logistics of packing and planning, we know that everything is in the hands of a meticulous and caring Father, Who is accompanying us every step of the way.
But, at the same time, we still need your specific prayers.
1 – For us, as we pack and plan our shipment to Italy
2 – For the remaining needed monthly support
3 – For our need to find an apartment when we get to Rome
4 – For Loredana’s citizenship process to be completed by the end of this month
5 – For our coworkers’ visas and packing
Thank you for your faithful prayers, your co-slaves for Christ,
David and Loredana
[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”steelblue”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:
55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074
Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]