God is at Work!
In his letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul continues to rejoice for the progress of the Gospel. He begins by reminding the leaders that any kind of spiritual progress is accomplished by the work of God. He is the one who begins it and he is the one who brings it to completion. As we look back over this year, we, too, have seen the progress of the Gospel and we invite you to rejoice with us.
First of all, we have seen the wonderful work of the Gospel in us. When we moved to Jupiter, Florida, we did not know what a blessing it would be for us to become part of Grace Immanuel Bible Church. In these ten months we have been blessed by the teaching of the word of God, coupled with the example of the leadership that permeates the whole church body. We realize today how much we needed God to work in our lives and how we needed to grow in our walk with the Lord. Years of ministry and work can make you dull to the need for spiritual renewal and continuous reevaluation of your personal walk with God. As the months went by, our gratitude to the Lord for our new life in our church has grown.
We have seen the Lord work through us in the lives of other believers, by God’s grace. We are amazed at the ways God has used our lives to encourage others. Loredana has had wonderful opportunities to walk alongside other women of the church and share the work that the Lord has done in her life. God is encouraging Loredana in her growth as she sees God using it in the lives of other women. Loredana was able to translate good Christian material that God was using during our hard times and send it to women in Italy who have been blessed by it. For David, it was a blessing to just enjoy the work of God in his life for the first few months. Now the Lord is using him in the lives of some men: God has given David opportunities to teach on how to witness to Roman Catholics. Right now he is teaching a 12 hour course in the Institute of Grace, that GIBC has for those who want to grow. Together, we have been able to have a discipleship study with four couples, meeting every two weeks in our home. In January we will also begin a new home Bible study for the Sunday School we attend.
We continue to see the great need for the Gospel to reach out to the unbelievers. During our trip to Italy, the great need for the Gospel there was as evident as ever. This needs to be remediated, not only by reaching out to the unsaved, many of whom are under the stronghold of the Roman Catholic Church, but also to the evangelical churches, to train the men in the faithful preaching of the Word of God. We continue to be involved in the literature ministry that David’s parents started 55 years ago. As we traveled to a little town in Sicily we were greeted by a local ceramic artist and his family. They live in Santo Stefano di Camastra, a town where there are no evangelical churches or other believers. Biagio told us that his family depends on the material that the Associazione Verità Evangelica publishes for their spiritual growth. There are still today over 33,000 towns and villages where there is no Gospel witness in Italy!
We know that it is God who causes the Gospel to progress.
Will you continue to pray for us?
That God will work in our own lives first of all?
We also desire to be used in the lives of other believers, that their faith will grow and their desire to love the Lord.
That God will continue to use the seminars on witnessing to Roman Catholics to move believers to witness faithfully to the many earnest people who are entangled in that false religion.
That God will provide the needed funds so that we may dev developing Cornelius Ministries.
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support!
We are rejoicing, as we anticipate the progress of the Gospel in us, in the believers and in Italy.
David and Loredana