April 2014 News from Bill Standridge
“My Lord and my God!” The startled “doubting Thomas” cried out words of faith and certainty. The doubt and fear which overwhelmed him in the dark hours of the cross were blotted out as blinding light flowed from Christ’s risen body. He had reached out with a finger and touched Christ’s hand, reached out with his hand and touched Christ’s side. Now he knew. Christ was God! His word was Truth!
Have you reached out a trembling finger, a wavering hand and “touched” the risen Savior? Do you live in the certainty that your sins were washed away at the cross? Are you living in the measureless joy of endless life in Christ’s presence, secured by His death and resurrection?
The historical fact of Easter is the crowning proof of God’s love, power and purpose. How gladly I embrace this triumphant truth and proclaim it in Italy to this unbelieving world!
Thank YOU for allowing me to be here by your loving part in my daily life through your prayers and faithful financial support. We are partners in the sowing, and will be eternally partners in the reaping and rejoicing with those Italians who join us in our Heavenly home.
[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left”]https://corneliusministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/William-Standridge-2014-e1397469176416.jpg[/image_frame]
My photo, taken on April 2, shows how powerfully God is sustaining me physically and permitting me to serve Him. David and his wife are taking good care of me, and we are getting fully settled in our apartment.
On Sunday, April 13, I will be sharing my second study on “The Husband that Women Dream of”, based on Ephesians 5:25-33, the husband who loves his wife as Christ loves the Church, personally, by choice, without limits or end, who is committed to her spiritual growth and service, who cares for her tenderly, in every possible need, physically, emotionally, who puts her needs before his own. This second study deals with the obstacles and problems in being that kind of a husband, of which the first is: he is a sinner and, second, pride and selfishness are his greatest temptations. In our last study, there were about 40 men, from our and 3 or four other churches, who desire to be godly leaders at home and in their church.
“The Blinding Light of the Empty Tomb”, God’s powerful message of redemption and salvation, should make us fall before our Savior in faith and adoration. This will be the title of my message on Easter morning. We pray that His power will not permit anyone present to refuse Him.
We have two elderly and very ill widows in our church, Giorgia and Rosanna. Please pray for their witness before unsaved relatives and friends.
May God bless each one of you and supply your every need.
In HIS service,
William (Bill) Standridge
[colored_box title=”If you would like to support my ministry to Italy ” variation=”#4e3ca6″]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:
55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074
Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of William Standridge[/colored_box]