We Are At Home!
We know that our God is in control of everything!
He is the One who plans our lives and future. He holds everything in His hands. He is wise in all He does. We are so grateful that He has brought us back in Italy. Although we are Italian, we have needed some time to get re-accustomed to life here. Things seem to move at a different pace, even though you may make plans, you need to be flexible. We look around daily encounter people who live their whole lives unaware of the message of the Gospel. Religiousness is all around us, but it is far from the simplicity of the Gospel.
God has provided a wonderful apartment for us to live in. We signed our contract last week and the movers have brought in the contents of our container from the USA. All have arrived in good condition, and now we have been busy unpacking. Next, Dad’s belongings will arrive from his apartment, as he will be living here with us. We are so excited and thankful to have a place so suitable for 3 of us, and are now looking forward to inviting many visitors and friends here. Our prayer is that it will become a base in our neighborhood for the progress of the Gospel.
A few days after we arrived, David was asked to help a small church not far from where we live. It is a small group of around twenty believers, led by a Canadian pastor and an Italian elder. David knew them well from the past, and after prayer, we have agreed to help in this ministry. They are a precious group of believers, and we are excited to serve with them.
David spoke at their Valentine’s Day banquet. They organized a dinner in the church with the hope of inviting unsaved friends and relatives. We had 24 there, of which 4 couples were unsaved. Please pray for opportunities to continue to share in their lives.
David has also been asked to begin a Bible Study with two unsaved families. We will be meeting every two weeks in the home of the Alfredo and Doretta to study the Gospel of John. We are humbled by the opportunities God is giving to us.
We have begun a discipleship Bible study with a dear couple who have a real desire to grow spiritually and to witness to their friends and family. They have begun an evangelistic Bible study in their home, but they realize they need instruction and growth, as well, so we are meeting weekly with them.
Loredana is already making friends with the ladies, and we pray that God will use her to encourage them and disciple some. She looks forward to meeting with Doretta, the wife of the elder, regularly.
Dear friends, we are so grateful to God for all of our praying and supporting friends. We have truly left part of our hearts with you, our faithful friends and ministry partners. Every day, as we see the darkness of the Roman Catholic Church, we realize more and more how dependent we are on God for any spiritual progress. Even the Evangelical churches lack leadership and are plagued with splits and divisions. Only God can rise up godly leaders and strengthen His churches. Most of all, we are looking forward to our eternal home in heaven. We look forward to the day when we will see our Savior face to face. But as we wait, we want to be faithful in proclaiming the Gospel!.
For wisdom, as we continue to plan our ministry
For all the particulars of our settling in
For those who have listened to the Gospel during the Valentine’s Day banquet
For the evangelistic Bible Study
For the David’s numerous teaching opportunities
For the publishing ministry, as we continue to prepare materials
For our financial support, as some who made commitments have not started yet
We love to hear from you, even if it’s just a sentence. We’d love to Skype, or even call you with our Vonage number (561) 623-8995 (We might not have internet at home for a month, but we will check our email!)
Skype David: djstandridge, and Loredana: loredana.standridge
Thank you for your faithful prayers, your co-slaves for Christ,
David and Loredana
[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”red”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:
55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074
Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]