Don’t Forget…
Dear friends, please remember that we need your prayers, for our work is spiritual work! And thus it must be bathed in prayer.
“…that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain.”
—Philippians 2:15-16
We are reminded of this every day, as we minister here in Rome. People are dead, they have no spiritual understanding, destined to a Godless eternity. Only God can open their eyes. We must pray fervently!
After preaching on Sunday… and having explained to all those present that they needed to be reconciled with God, Michele walked up to David and wanted to talk. We are blessed on most Sundays to have three or four unsaved people in our little congregation. Michele comes with his wife Giuseppina every Sunday. He wanted to tell me that he has understood the Gospel, but that he is not ready yet to commit himself to Christ He likes coming to church, but thinks he needs to wait. Only God can open his eyes and we need your prayers.
A few weeks ago… David was able to talk to Claudio, his high school friend, on the phone. Many years ago, Claudio had intellectually understood the Gospel, but when his family turned against him had turned away from it. We are looking forward to having Claudio over for a meal very soon. You need to pray that God will soften his heart.
During our prayer time… on Sunday night we took the time to pray for all the unsaved relatives of our congregation. It was overwhelming to hear the very long list of names of loved ones who do not know Christ. Many have heard the Gospel multiple times and have refused it. Some have of them even asked their relatives to stop sharing their faith with them. Dear friends, join us in praying that we would not get discouraged and that we would all be faithful in praying and witnessing to so many who are headed to eternal punishment!
At the gate of our building… last week, a notice was put up for all the residents of our apartment building. The sign invited all to bring flowers and a list of their dead relatives to the local Catholic church, so that as a community they could pray that God would allow their deceased loved ones to enter into heaven. We know from the Scriptures that after death comes the judgment; no hope is left for those who die without saving faith in Christ. We need your prayers, as we plan to take cookies to all our neighbors, along with some evangelistic materials. God must work in their hearts!
Dear friends, please continue to pray for us as we minister, that we would be faithful and that God will continually bless His Word. Your financial and prayerful support are needed encouragements for us. Thank you so very much!
David and Loredana
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