October 2014 News from Bill Standridge

Appearance or the Hidden Heart

In our church Bible study, last Wednesday, we studied Jacob and Esau’s choices of a wife (in Genesis 27:46-28:9). Jacob received spiritual guidance through his father, Isaac, married a descendant of Abraham, and was blessed by the Lord. Esau, wishing to be appreciated by his parents and perhaps hoping for the blessing of the Lord, decided, based on his own reasoning, to add to his two pagan wives and marry a daughter of Ismael, also a descendant of Abraham. Jacob’s obedience was blessed; Esau’s imitation of Jacob did him no good.

We wondered how many Christians (or imitation Christians) base their lives and choices on a “model” Christian family who are considered a “success”. How many pastors or missionaries choose their methods and goals based on the evident “success” of other pastors or missionaries who are widely known and envied. A frightening (or encouraging?) evaluation is revealed to Samuel by the Lord: “I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Last Sunday I had the joy of preaching again in the “church” where a Italian missionary and his wife have been working night and day for nine years, in the town to which they are convinced that God has called them, distributing Christian literature from door to door, organizing various types of special services, holding Bible studies in homes. They are “failures” by any human means of measurement, such as numbers attending (there were 15 present, including their family of four), building projects (none), baptisms, support (under-supported).

Later in the week I talked and prayed with another Italian missionary and his wife who, after 18 years of evangelization, home Bible studies, in a small city, are watching the small group they have formed fall apart under internal conflict. There are no crowds of missionaries coming to visit them and to copy their methods, no offers of others who would like to come and help.

And yet, the man who drove me to that Sunday Service had been a small child when I evangelized his family more than 40 years ago. His father and mother confessed the Lord and were baptized. The entire young family were faithful in church, but the father died, the mother married a man who divorced and left his family for her, the child-ren were placed in an orphanage. I drove 30 miles to pick them up on Sunday mornings, bring them to church and Sunday School, have one of Maria Teresa’s home-cooked Sunday dinners with us and our family, then took them back to the orphanage. Later, the mother took them back with her and we did not see them again for years. Now, he has come back to the Lord, been baptized and never misses a service, is a local director in a multi-national business. Has my investment of many days, hours and even years, in this family been a failure or a victory?

There is no empty drama in Paul’s writing that we are engaged in a spiritual warfare. There are the timid, the fallen, the injured, and those whom God has graciously blessed (who may still be called “failures” by the world). Where ever Maria Teresa and I have gone to preach and teach, whatever we have written, whenever we have cried or prayed – NOT ONLY GOD, BUT YOU, TOO, WERE WITH US. We will count the results together in Heaven.

In Christ the Lord’s service,
William (Bill) Standridge

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support my ministry to Italy ” variation=”deepblue”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of William Standridge[/colored_box]

It is Christ Who Builds His Church!


In Italy, most sound evangelical churches are very small.

It is not out of the ordinary to find 15 or 20 people, including children, worshiping on Sunday mornings. Many or most of these churches do not have trained elders or pastors. Often, they are meeting in small store fronts and struggle even to pay for their monthly expenses. Most of the missionaries would say that, in Italy, it takes over 25 years to build a stable congregation. Thus, one of the reasons that most missionaries leave within four years is their discouragement over the very slow progress of their evangelistic efforts. It is also possible that even the unmet expectations of their supporting churches in the US cause them to lose heart, feeling they have failed. But we know that we cannot change men’s hearts and that it is God Who has promised to build His church, and therefore we strive to be faithful and persevering, as we minister here.

God is at work and we are grateful.

This summer, David had the opportunity to preach in the Chiesa Evangelica Filadelfia in Acireale, Sicily. What a privilege to share the Word of God with over 40 people, who were very attentive and eager to hear from God’s Word. David was very involved in the planting of this church when it started about 15 years ago. It began with an attendance of only four, and God has done a great work there. Marco is the pastor and a dear friend, who came to know Christ in the church where David served in Rome, over 25 years ago. Over the years, the Lord has continued to use us to train the men who are now leading this faithful work in an area where there are no other sound evangelical churches. Pray for Marco and Peppe, who are the elders, and Simona and Viviana, their respective wives, as they continue to minister there.

Today, we have a new opportunity.

God has opened the door for us to serve in a little church in Rome. Chiesa Evangelica di Via Nathan is formed by about 20 wonderful believers. The church was founded by a Canadian missionary couple, who have recently retired and returned to Canada, after 30 years. We work alongside Alfredo, who is the remaining elder. David will be preaching regularly on Sundays and teaching the mid-week Bible Study. Loredana and Doretta, Alfredo’s wife, will be teaching the women’s weekly Bible Study. We are excited to model for them the discipleship mentoring work that we have observed in our sending church, Grace Immanuel Bible Church. We know that if there will be any lasting effects and any growth, it will be because of God’s faithful work through His Word. Dear friends, we desire your prayers for our ministry here.

God has prepared the good works for us to do!

When we arrived here in Rome, we realized that the work would be slow and challenging, but that God would open doors of service, and continue to show Himself faithful in giving us the strength and wisdom to serve Him. He has also brought to us the very rewarding opportunity to meet regularly with a couple who is beginning a church plant here in Rome, with another sound ministry. Our goal is to help and encourage them, as they are dear friends who have been part of our lives for many years.

We continue to be encouraged!

Matt and Johanna are making incredible progress in their language study. We meet regularly, as we look forward to God-given opportunities for ministry when they are ready. We are studying the book of Acts together, and are all continually reminded that it is God who builds His church.

– For our involvement in the Chiesa Evangelica di Via Nathan
– For our faithfulness in preparing our hearts and lives for ministry
–  For wisdom, as we mentor and disciple those God brings our way
– For Bill Standridge, as he lives with us and continues to minister here in Rome

–  For God’s faithful provision
–  For everyone who is part of our support team both in prayer and financially
–  For God’s grace in our lives, as we certainly could not serve Him without it!


Your co-slaves of Christ,
David and Loredana

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”blue”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]


God Answered Your Prayers



Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  — Matthew 6:19-21

Loredana has received her US citizenship

It would be too long to explain how blessed we were in the ways all the details for the citizenship ceremony worked out. May it be sufficient to say that we were amazed by the timeliness of hearing the news and God’s many providences for planning the entire trip back to the USA. We know so well that all were answers to our prayers and those of you who read our prayer letters and pray for us regularly. Being a US citizen is indeed a privilege, but we believe that it will also be useful for easing our trips back to the US to report to you what the Lord is doing in Italy.

We had the privilege of visiting our son Jordan and his family in Washington DC

Since we arrived in Italy, Jordan has graduated from The Masters Seminary, moved to Springfield VA to serve in the college ministry at Immanuel Bible Church, and God has given him and his wife our third grandchild! We are so grateful that we were able to visit them and watch them as they minister there. This for sure was a wonderful blessing! We pray that during the next few years they will receive even more preparation, if God continues to lead them to Italy to serve with us.

Our time at Grace Immanuel Bible Church was amazing

Spending time in our sending church on a Sunday and seeing so many of our friends was an incredible blessing. Our week was filled with invitations to spend time with our dear prayer partners and friends. We wish we could have had more time for all those who invited us. Being able to give a report and teach in our Sunday school was also a privilege. We continue to be humbled in realizing that it is a precious gift of God to have prayer partners for our ministry. Being able to spend time with two of the Cornelius Ministries board members and see their love for mission was so encouraging. Our fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ is such a wonderful gift God has given us.

When we arrived in Rome it was wonderful to have Matt and Johanna waiting for us!

We came back on a Tuesday, and that same night we spent time with one of the families from our church here in Rome. David is preaching through the 23rd Psalm. What an assuring blessing to study about how the Good Shepherd takes care of His own. We become His and He leads us through the difficulties of life all the way to glory. We continue to serve and meet with those whom God has brought into our lives. Every day, as we look around, we become more aware of the millions whose eternal destiny is eternal separation from God!

Did we use the words “blessing – wonderful – privilege – amazing”?

Well, we live in light of eternity and God is so good to us. We want to thank you for being diligent in praying for us and supporting us financially.


– Grateful for how smoothly everything went for our trip, as well as the encouragement of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
– Grateful for our co-workers, Matt and Johanna and Bill Standridge.
– Grateful for the ways the Lord is using us.
– Pray for David, as he teaches the Word in our church.
– Pray for opportunities this summer to visit friends and teach in other churches.
– Pray that we will always live in light of what is eternal.

WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! Reply to the email and let us know you got it!

Your co-slaves of Christ,
David and Loredana

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”orange”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]

Unexpected Opportunities

When we arrived in Italy, we knew that it was God Who would determine every opportunity we would have to serve Him. We are so grateful for His direction and help.

God provided the opportunity to serve in a little church not too far from where we live.

There are about 20 attendees every Sunday and we are grateful for the privilege to serve with them. David has begun to preach regularly on Sundays, alongside Alfredo and Mario. It is wonderful to teach the Word of God to such an attentive group of believers. Loredana teaches the Sunday school for the children that attend. We are grateful for the opportunities to spend time with the believers and encourage them. A few weeks ago, David was able to officiate a funeral, attended by many unsaved friends. We are so grateful for the wonderful believers we worship with and the opportunity to reach out to a neighborhood of thousands who need the Gospel.

The state of many of the churches in Italy is really sad.

In Rome, where we are, many of the churches are without leadership and many have unresolved conflicts within the church and with other surrounding groups. When we arrived we prayed that God would use us, if He wanted, to help in some of these situations. A few weeks ago, David was asked to help a group of five missionaries to reconcile. As the result of an ongoing conflict, a new group had been formed with about 20 people who had left the church with a couple of the leaders. God was so kind to work in the hearts of these men during the meetings. David was asked on Sunday to preach in the main church, where all the leaders confessed their sin and all those who had left where present. Only God can produce this kind of results! We continue to pray that God will work in the hearts of all those involved and produce the kind of resolutions that truly please Him. We also are asking God that this situation would be an example for many of the other churches who need to reconcile.

There are many who have fallen away.

Having just returned to Italy gives us the opportunity to reach out to many whom we know, who are not attending church anymore. Obviously, we do not know if they were ever truly saved, but we hope to have the opportunity to reach them with the Gospel and see God work in their hearts

We have received the notification for Loredana’s citizenship.

By God’s grace, we were able to find out even before the notification arrived that Loredana needs to be in the USA on the 17th of June for her citizenship ceremony. We are excited to be able to return with such a short notice, on the 9th of June. It will be a joy to visit Jordan and Jennifer and our newest grandchild in Washington D.C., where Jordan accepted the position as College Pastor at Immanuel Bible Church. And we are equally thankful to be able to be at Grace Immanuel Bible Church in Jupiter, Florida for one Sunday and worship with our sending church.
We are very excited about these many opportunities, and we realize that any spiritual results are brought about by God. What a blessing it will be, to be used by Him, for His glory. We continue to covet your prayers!

-For our church  Chiesa Evangelica di Via Natan
-For continued resolution in the church we were able to assist
-For opportunities to reach out to others who need the Gospel
-For the language and culture acquisition of our co-workers Matt and Johanna Johnston (they are doing a wonderful job)
-For the necessary finances for this unexpected trip

Thank you for your love for Christ and your commitment to Him.

Your co-slaves of Christ,
David and Loredana

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”olive”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]

May 2014 News from Bill Standridge

The shout of the Hebrews, encouraged by Nehemiah, rang out over the rubble, the ruins of the former walls of Jerusalem. They were joining in a great task for which they did not have the funds, the experience or the strength. But they did have faith in the holy, omnipotent God and His faithful guidance, protection and aid. Obstacles, enemies and their own weakness were not to be feared, nor even considered.

This is the theme of the 2-day retreat planned by our church for June 1 and 2, in a farm house near Rome. This is the launch of a project that you will be following with us for time to come. We are convinced that our “little” church (51 members) must begin praying, planning and organizing to see one or more new churches established in the great, pagan city of Rome. Of course, it is immensely beyond our resources or abilities. They may begin as “home churches” or God may give us the funds now in the bank accounts of His children to build on the beautiful land the city has given us to use free of charge for 99 years. I read of a pastor who told his people, “We are going to build a new church and the Lord has already provided the money! Of course, it is still in your bank accounts.”

“Arise and build”, help us exercise our faith by exercising yours in prayer for and with us. Here are Nehemiah’s encouraging words: “And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, «Let us rise up and build.» Then I replied to them, «The God of heaven will make us prosper, and we His servants will arise and build»” Neh 2:18,20.

I was thrilled to preach again this month in the huge centuries-old castle on the tip of a mountain near Rome, where a young Italian couple is working and struggling sacrificially to launch a church. I spoke on the fulfilled promises of God in giving us a Savior who was raised from the dead as a proof of the divine power that God is using in our lives, “the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His great might that He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places” Eph 1:19,20.

Praise God. He gave my son David and a former leader in our church the privilege of helping five servants of God, separated by misunderstanding and conflict, and a church split, be reconciled, confessing their errors, as I and others, who were deeply distressed, prayed. There are still many things to be mended and they need more prayer. Nevertheless, it was and is a great miracle.

Dear friends, you are so precious to me as you pray faithfully for me even though you may not realize my great need at that very moment, and as you and others provide for my material needs. God has united our hearts through His Holy Spirit, who is leading both you and me to do His will.

In Christ the Lord’s service,
William (Bill) Standridge

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support my ministry to Italy ” variation=”#4e3ca6″]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of William Standridge[/colored_box]

April News from David and Loredana

Do You Really Know Jesus Christ?

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds celebrated His entry. They exclaimed: “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” In another Gospel, they called him “The King of Israel”.  These were Messianic titles, as they had been prophesized by Isaiah and Zechariah.

The crowds welcomed the Messiah, but they totally missed the reason He had come, and therefore missed the blessing of being His disciples. Only a few days later, they were screaming “Crucify Him”, having believed the lies of the religious leaders that Christ had blasphemed Jehovah.
On the 13th of April this year, the streets of Rome were filled with faithful Roman Catholics, who were carrying home branches of trees that had been blessed by the priest in remembrance of Palm Sunday. Now these small branches will find their places beside the pictures of Mary and the saints in their bedrooms, in hope that they will provide some kind of protection or blessing.
Among some Jesus is mentioned often, religion is followed, but the reality of what Christ did, and what it means to believe in Him, is overwhelmingly unknown in Italy.

I Know Christ, but Don’t Take Away Mary and the Saints!

We are privileged to have begun a Bible Study with Paolo and Flavia. They are devout Roman Catholics, they believe they know Christ, but they have made it very clear that they want to continue to be devoted to Mary and the saints. We are studying the Gospel of John together. They are surprised by our approach to the Scriptures, since we base all we teach on the Word. If we cannot find it in the Scriptures, we don’t believe it!
This is such a new concept for them, as they are used to adding in the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, their own feelings, and tradition to what they believe. We are excited that they keep coming to hear more of God’s Word, and pray that God will open their eyes to the Gospel.

We Need to Know Christ More…

We are also truly enjoying the privilege of meeting weekly with Davide and Silvia. They love the Lord and have a great desire to grow. We have been studying the book of James together, and they are growing more and more in their desire to please God and become more like Him.
So many churches here in Italy suffer from a lack of leadership and the sound teaching of the Word of God. We pray that God will use us to encourage believers and guide them in their growth. In our publishing ministry, we want to provide more tools for preachers so that they may be able to teach faithfully. We know that the Word of God will bring forth God’s will, as it is taught correctly.

We Are Learning to Live Christ More…

As a couple, we continue to be encouraged and overwhelmed by the grace of God. We are so grateful for His work in us, as He continues to show us areas where we must change to please Him. We are so grateful for all those who pray for us regularly and give sacrificially so that we can be here and shine a light for Christ in a very dark country.
We love the privilege of serving alongside Bill Standridge and the Johnstons, and we are seeing how God is allowing us to grow together and encourage each other in our sanctification. We are also so grateful for the little church we attend and the opportunities we have there to encourage the believers through our lives and teaching.

We Serve a Resurrected Christ!

We have a living Savior Who defeated sin and death. We preach and live a Gospel that is alive, the only truth that can change lives and transport them from the kingdom of Satan to the light of Christ.
We need your prayers, as we remind ourselves and you that the only lasting results we will ever have in our ministry will be caused by our sovereign God; therefore, we must depend on Him.

Please Pray:
– For continued spiritual growth in our lives
– For Paolo and Silvia – that Christ would be known to them
– For Davide and Silvia, as they make decisions in their lives
– For wisdom in knowing how to best serve the many needs of Italian Christians through our publishing ministry

Thank you for your love for Christ and your commitment to Him.

Your co-slaves of Christ,
David and Loredana

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”olive”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]

April 2014 News from Bill Standridge


“My Lord and my God!”
The startled “doubting Thomas” cried out words of faith and certainty. The doubt and fear which overwhelmed him in the dark hours of the cross were blotted out as blinding light flowed from Christ’s risen body. He had reached out with a finger and touched Christ’s hand, reached out with his hand and touched Christ’s side. Now he knew. Christ was God! His word was Truth!

Have you reached out a trembling finger, a wavering hand and “touched” the risen Savior? Do you live in the certainty that your sins were washed away at the cross? Are you living in the measureless joy of endless life in Christ’s presence, secured by His death and resurrection?

The historical fact of Easter is the crowning proof of God’s love, power and purpose. How gladly I embrace this triumphant truth and proclaim it in Italy to this unbelieving world!

Thank YOU for allowing me to be here by your loving part in my daily life through your prayers and faithful financial support. We are partners in the sowing, and will be eternally partners in the reaping and rejoicing with those Italians who join us in our Heavenly home.

[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” align=”left”]https://corneliusministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/William-Standridge-2014-e1397469176416.jpg[/image_frame]
My photo, taken on April 2,
shows how powerfully God is sustaining me physically and permitting me to serve Him. David and his wife are taking good care of me, and we are getting fully settled in our apartment.
On Sunday, April 13, I will be sharing my second study on “The Husband that Women Dream of”, based on Ephesians 5:25-33, the husband who loves his wife as Christ loves the Church, personally, by choice, without limits or end, who is committed to her spiritual growth and service, who cares for her tenderly, in every possible need, physically, emotionally, who puts her needs before his own. This second study deals with the obstacles and problems in being that kind of a husband, of which the first is: he is a sinner and, second, pride and selfishness are his greatest temptations. In our last study, there were about 40 men, from our and 3 or four other churches, who desire to be godly leaders at home and in their church.

“The Blinding Light of the Empty Tomb”, God’s powerful message of redemption and salvation, should make us fall before our Savior in faith and adoration. This will be the title of my message on Easter morning. We pray that His power will not permit anyone present to refuse Him.
We have two elderly and very ill widows in our church, Giorgia and Rosanna. Please pray for their witness before unsaved relatives and friends.

May God bless each one of you and supply your every need.

In HIS service,
William (Bill) Standridge

[colored_box title=”If you would like to support my ministry to Italy ” variation=”#4e3ca6″]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of William Standridge[/colored_box]

February 2014 News from Bill Standridge


[image_frame style=”framed_shadow” height=”291″ width=”620″]https://corneliusministries.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Febbruary2014a.jpg[/image_frame]

In ROME the NEW YEAR came in with its usual fireworks displays, but there have been no POSITIVE changes in the world’s situation. Here’s why: the world ignores God’s Word.

WHAT A WONDERFUL NEW 2014 if each of us is…
being renewed constantly in our thought life, (seeing things God’s way)
being recognized constantly as NEW MEN – and women – living in righteousness and holiness (doing things God’s way- as the above verses teach).

“LEADERS, the men God uses”. God has established husbands as leaders in every marriage, fathers as leaders in every family, pastors as leaders of every flock. I will be leading a monthly seminar on this subject, starting in February and running through the year, for the men and leaders of our church and for the men of other churches in our area. May we see great changes as men accept their God-given responsibility.

IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE but our first edition of the book Maria Teresa said she had to write, when she learned her life was limited to a few months, sold out quickly and is returning to the printer. “What am I good for if I am not serving?”has touched the lives of many men and women and will continue to do so. Pray for the first thousand readers.

THE NEW EVANGELISTIC EDITION OF OUR PAPER FOR 2014 is almost ready for the printer.
I wrote it on the absolute change that is necessary in the life of every person, as they realize that their life is like a train, “running on the wrong track” and going to “the wrong destination”. Only the change that Jesus described as “passing from death to life” and from “condemnation to eternal life” in John 5:24 can change our lives and our future. Usually tens of thousands of this paper are ordered by various churches and youth groups and distributed during the summer. Please put this on your prayer list.

DAVID AND LOREDANA HAVE FOUND the “perfect apartment” for us and will be getting the contract done next week so we can move into it around the middle of February. Praise God for this answer to prayer.

In HIS service,

Bill Standridge,
Rome, Italy

We Are At Home!

We know that our God is in control of everything!

He is the One who plans our lives and future. He holds everything in His hands. He is wise in all He does. We are so grateful that He has brought us back in Italy. Although we are Italian, we have needed some time to get re-accustomed to life here. Things seem to move at a different pace, even though you may make plans, you need to be flexible. We look around daily encounter people who live their whole lives unaware of the message of the Gospel. Religiousness is all around us, but it is far from the simplicity of the Gospel.


God has provided a wonderful apartment for us to live in. We signed our contract last week and the movers have brought in the contents of our container from the USA. All have arrived in good condition, and now we have been busy unpacking. Next, Dad’s belongings will arrive from his apartment, as he will be living here with us. We are so excited and thankful to have a place so suitable for 3 of us, and are now looking forward to inviting many visitors and friends here. Our prayer is that it will become a base in our neighborhood for the progress of the Gospel.


A few days after we arrived, David was asked to help a small church not far from where we live. It is a small group of around twenty believers, led by a Canadian pastor and an Italian elder. David knew them well from the past, and after prayer, we have agreed to help in this ministry. They are a precious group of believers, and we are excited to serve with them.

David spoke at their Valentine’s Day banquet. They organized a dinner in the church with the hope of inviting unsaved friends and relatives. We had 24 there, of which 4 couples were unsaved. Please pray for opportunities to continue to share in their lives.

David has also been asked to begin a Bible Study with two unsaved families. We will be meeting every two weeks in the home of the Alfredo and Doretta to study the Gospel of John. We are humbled by the opportunities God is giving to us.

We have begun a discipleship Bible study with a dear couple who have a real desire to grow spiritually and to witness to their friends and family. They have begun an evangelistic Bible study in their home, but they realize they need instruction and growth, as well, so we are meeting weekly with them.

Loredana is already making friends with the ladies, and we pray that God will use her to encourage them and disciple some. She looks forward to meeting with Doretta, the wife of the elder, regularly.


Dear friends, we are so grateful to God for all of our praying and supporting friends. We have truly left part of our hearts with you, our faithful friends and ministry partners. Every day, as we see the darkness of the Roman Catholic Church, we realize more and more how dependent we are on God for any spiritual progress. Even the Evangelical churches lack leadership and are plagued with splits and divisions. Only God can rise up godly leaders and strengthen His churches. Most of all, we are looking forward to our eternal home in heaven. We look forward to the day when we will see our Savior face to face. But as we wait, we want to be faithful in proclaiming the Gospel!.


For wisdom, as we continue to plan our ministry
For all the particulars of our settling in
For those who have listened to the Gospel during the Valentine’s Day banquet
For the evangelistic Bible Study
For the David’s numerous teaching opportunities
For the publishing ministry, as we continue to prepare materials
For our financial support, as some who made commitments have not started yet


We love to hear from you, even if it’s just a sentence. We’d love to Skype, or even call you with our Vonage number (561) 623-8995  (We might not have internet at home for a month, but we will check our email!)
Skype  David: djstandridge, and Loredana: loredana.standridge

Thank you for your faithful prayers, your co-slaves for Christ,
David and Loredana


[colored_box title=”If you would like to support our ministry to Italy ” variation=”red”]Please send your tax deductible gifts to:

55 South Main Street #164
Oberlin, OH 44074

Mark on the memo line or on a separate note: For the ministry of David and Loredana Standridge[/colored_box]

Make Your Face Shine on Me, O God!


When We Ask God to Bless Us,
What Are We Asking For?

[pullquote1 quotes=”true”] May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, Selah that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!
Psalm 67:1-3 [/pullquote1]

[dropcap1]W[/dropcap1]hat a wonderful request the psalmist makes to God! As we read this, we are all eager to participate, and cheerfully say “Amen.”  Of course we all desire for God to show us His grace and bless us! We all have different ways that we would define those blessings, and probably what comes to our minds are mostly tangible ones.

Just think of what makes us exclaim that God has blessed us. Recall the last time you told someone that God has really blessed them. Our thoughts go to something we received, a situation we avoided, the care that someone has had for us. Is it plausible that we too often define blessing and grace as whatever makes our lives easier or more comfortable?  When we think of having God’s face shine upon us, our thoughts easily go to situations where God shows us His care and grace by giving us something more than we had expected.

I have heard quite a few worship services end with the pastor pronouncing this passage as a benediction. As the believers listened, I wonder what kind of hopes filled their minds when they left the service.

Did you notice the reason why the author asks God to show His favor to the children of Israel? His desire is that all the nations would know the ways of God, and that His saving power would be made known among all people.

One of the first questions we should ask ourselves is if that concept is important to us. In some ways, as we stop and think, we would all say yes, but does our life really show that kind of desire and goal?

How often does the eternal state of those around us drive us to God and cause us to ask God to do what is necessary through our own lives, in order that men would know His ways and His power? Such thinking could cause our definition of God shining His face upon us and showing His grace and blessing to drastically change.

The center of the desired blessing is no longer merely our comfort or personal gain, but it becomes God’s forgiving and sustaining power to all who will know Him, in the midst of a crooked and sinful world.

When we consider how the writer’s words reveal his thoughts about the salvation of all the nations, how do our own attitudes toward world missions compare? Are we aware of the need around the world? Are we driven to pray for countless people who die and then face their eternal judgment having never heard anyone explain the good news of God’s salvation, the Gospel, to them?

Have we asked God to increase our burden for lost souls? Does our giving and our praying expose a burden for global missions, or does it expose our lack of practical love for the nations? Are you involved in the missions outreach of your local church? Do you know the names of supported missionaries? Do you know what they do? Have you ever encouraged them through a note or an email?

The end goal of the psalmist is that the nations would praise God

Remember the words of the Apostle John in the book of Revelation:

After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures, and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen.”  —Revelation 7:9-12

 What an amazing scene! As many from every nation, having spoken different languages, lived in different places, faced different difficulties and trials, are now united before the throne of God. With heightened awareness of His majesty and splendor, they are praising Him, for they know that their salvation was made possible by the death and resurrection of Christ.

Our God is saving today, and reminds us that we should live for His glory, and to attract people to Him. His work in us is purposeful: to prepare us for the day when we will be part of the multitudes in heaven, and to use us to bring His own to Himself.

As His own people, should not be self-centered, but centered upon the needs of others and driven to point others to Christ.

Is it possible that God wants to use your trial to make you more adept, to open opportunities for sharing the gospel with others?

As you ask God to bless you and for His face to shine upon you, I trust that there will be a new understanding that will accompany your prayer.

May God make us more aware of His eternal purposes; may His compassion for the lost increase our own compassion. May our lives, even today, expose a desire to share the good news with the world through what we say, how we pray, and how we encourage the missionaries we know.